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There’s an obvious cure that’s being found for Hop Fatigue - and it’s called classic styles like easy-to-drink traditional English-style ales. Personally - I’ve been ahead of this trend at local places like Queen City Brewing in my area which makes a few of my favorites among what I call their ‘European styles’ - you can check them out at and the story on others finding these beers too at
Springtime is a wonderful thing unless you’re a vintner or vigneron and there’s a frost threatening to harm those fresh blooms and potentially wreak havoc on your harvest before it’s even out of the gate. That’s what has been happening in France recently...
And there has been a big movement to increase access to responsible drinking. Boston is the latest location looking at laws, seeing where things don’t make sense, and pushing for changes in their liquor licensing. You can get the full story from the Boston Globe here:
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#hops #hazybois #EnglishAles #ESB #paleale #ale #France #wine #vintner #vigneron #spring #frost #Boston #BOS #liquorlaws #change
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