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There’s an ongoing trend you might not be aware of - premium wine and sports. More people are enjoying wine with their home runs, field goals, and draining a half-court shot than you might be aware. OK, it might be happening a bit more with tennis and golf... If you want to find out more about this trend - head to
To piggyback off that - there are now some wine spritzers who have penned partnerships with the New York Mets and San Francisco 49ers (see, and you thought I was joking about the other sports and wine). More details at
And we’ve talked a bit about non-alcoholic or NA beers before - but someone’s asking if they really are good for you, especially for those exercising. If you want to look at “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” as they reference it in their story - check out
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Learn more about your host and voice over talent The Real Voice - Mel Allen at and his show on 106.7 WIZN at
#wine #winelover #spritzer #sports #Mets #NYMets #Baseball #MLB #49ers #SanFrancisco #sanfran #football #NFL #NAbeer #nonalcoholic #healthy #hydration
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